Calligraphy: Calligraphy
                          means"beautiful writing."
                          Calligraphy can be both a delight to the eye
                          and an inspiration to the spirit. The
                          appreciation for the art of calligraphy has
                          grownincredibly. Calligraphy is a fun hobby, a
                          great business, and a creativeart. Calligraphy
                          is for everyone!

For Everyone!

with Jim Bennett B.F.A., M.F.A.

Last updated: June, 2013
This site has received the following Awards:

Calligraphy means"beautiful writing." Calligraphy can be both a delight to the eye and an inspiration to the spirit. In our technological age, the appreciation for the art of calligraphy has grown incredibly. Calligraphy is a fun hobby, a great business, and a creative art.

My Bestselling Book - Calligraphy For Creative Kids (and adults too!)
Calligraphy for Creative Kids
                                  (and Adults too!)

This web site is dedicated to helping people learn calligraphy.

We have been visited: 
Over One Million

times since 1997

alligraphy is an art that just about anyone can do. All you need is a pen and paper, and you're ready to do calligraphy! Indeed, it requires very few materials - you don't need very much space - and, since you can probably write anyway, you already know the basics! 

Calligraphy is an art form in which patience and attention to detail are more important than artistic talent. That means you don't have to be an "artist" to be good at calligraphy! 

Calligraphy is a whole lot of fun and can be enjoyed by young and old alike. I have had students as young as 7 years old and as old as...(well, maybe I"d better leave that one unsaid!). It is one of the most enjoyable skills that a person can acquire. In short, calligraphy is really FUN!

There are some wonderfully gifted calligraphers (see links) whose work can inspire us to strive for excellence. However, no one should ever look at work of this calliber and conclude that there is no room for amateurs. Remember, in the end, we are obligated to please just one critic - ourselves.

There are a lot of ways that people can use use their calligraphy. Just look at the list below of things you can create. What's more, you'll have the opportunity to use your calligraphy skills every time you write!

Calligraphy Gallery

Things To Create 

Ways to Make $$$$


On-Line Lesson

Amateur Gallery


Jim Bennett

Good Books 

Calligraphy By Correspondence

Italic Handwriting!
Free Lesson!
Information for teachers,
parents, and educators.
Click Here!

The Calligraphy Tip o' the Day
Just Click to Get Today's Hot Tip!

A Few Things You Can Create With Calligraphy

  • Scriptures and inspirational quotations
  • Poems
  • Invitations
  • Greeting Cards
  • Business Cards
  • Announcements
  • Maps
  • Posters
  • Certificates
  • Awards
  • And many other useful items


    The Book Nook

    -Good books for learning calligraphy-
    -Books that can be purchased on-line-


    -Books that are my personal favorites-
    -Books that will make learning fun-

    Calligraphy Mugs, T-Shirts,
                                    & Mousepads



    You Can Learn Calligraphy Online!
    My popular, completely hand-lettered book "You Can Do Calligraphy!" is now online! This book has been in print since 1982 and has been used in several schools. It is aimed at helping the beginner. Students comment that this book, compared to the many other great books on calligraphy, makes learning calligraphy the easiest and the most fun of all! Now you can access my book right from the Internet!

    Learn calligraphy right online. "You Can Do Calligraphy!" will teach you how to do 5 of the most popular alphabets: Italic, Blackletter (sometimes called "Old English"), Roman, Bookhand, and Uncial (the most expressive of all). It also contains projects you can do. In 10 easy lessons, you will learn the basics so that you can progress quickly from a beginner to an intermediate calligrapher.

    Click here to view the actual table of contents.

    CLICK HERE to access the book

    CLICK HERE for my cyber correspondence lessons

    Click here for information about me.


    Contact me by email

    Copyright © 2025 by Jim Bennett