is an art that just about
anyone can do. All you need
is a pen and paper, and
you're ready to do
calligraphy! Indeed, it
requires very few materials
- you don't need very much
space - and, since you can
probably write anyway, you
already know the
is an art form in which
patience and attention to
detail are more important
than artistic talent. That
means you don't have to be
an "artist" to be good at
is a whole lot of fun and
can be enjoyed by young
and old alike. I have had
students as young as 7
years old and as old
as...(well, maybe I"d
better leave that one
unsaid!). It is one of the
most enjoyable skills that
a person can acquire. In
short, calligraphy is
really FUN!
are some wonderfully
gifted calligraphers (see
links) whose work can
inspire us to strive for
excellence. However, no
one should ever look at
work of this calliber and
conclude that there is no
room for amateurs.
Remember, in the end, we
are obligated to please
just one critic -
are a lot of ways that
people can use use their
calligraphy. Just look at
the list below of things
you can create. What's
more, you'll have the
opportunity to use your
calligraphy skills every
time you write!