Indeed, I am truly honored that you have chosen to enroll in this online
instructional program. I have worked hard to prepare an enjoyable and rewarding
learning experience for you. I wish you success.
I have been drawing faces ever since I was a child. Faces are my favorite thing to draw. In fact, when I was in school, I used to draw faces all over my papers when I was supposed to be doing my school work! As I said, I love to draw faces! To me, faces are the most interesting and challenging thing to draw. My fascination with drawing the face eventually led me to become a professional portrait painter. Over the years, I developed my own method for drawing the face. My method is based on the techniques of the old masters whom I have studied extensively. Using my method, I am convinced that you can greatly improve your ability to draw faces. These drawing lessons will teach you the 5 simple steps of my method. I'll show you step-by-step all the techniques that I use. In fact, as I teach you my method, I will be sharing with you actual pages from my personal notebooks. I have attempted to make these drawing
lessons as personal as possible. I'd like you to feel just as if I am actually
there working right along side you, guiding you and demonstrating my methods.
This lesson guide explains my 5 step method, how to use the demonstrations, and the support you receive at no extra charge. (Print this for reference) This is actually a complete course on how to draw the face. The course is divided into 15 learning demonstrations. Each of these demonstrations covers a specific subject. First, browse through the 15 demonstrations by clicking on the links. Familiarize yourself with what this course covers. If you like, you may print out the demonstrations so you will have a hard copy to work from. You can proceed at your own pace, but to derive the maximum benefit, I ask that you allow a reasonable amount of time and not rush through the material. Also, begin with demonstration 1 and work your way through each demonstration, one by one, in the order they are presented. The best way to
cover the material is to do 2 things:
By the time you complete
all 15 demonstrations, your ability to draw the face should have improved
As you study the demonstrations, note how each one explains a part of my 5 step method. Memorize the sequence of steps. Each step is vital. I wish you great