Portrait Painting
In the Style of the Old Masters
Now you can view my complete
course on how to
portraits realistically, step-by-step,
and it's 100% FREE!
Scroll down to access.
to see 5 of the
portraits demonstrated
to see a screenshot
of a demonstration (reduced size).
to see a screenshot
of a slideshow (reduced size).
These lessons include detailed
information about materials and supplies, how
to lay out the palette, how to mix flesh
tones, demonstrations on how to paint a
portrait (almost like being in my studio
watching as I paint and chat with you), and a
dictionary of portrait terms.
This is the same course that I
have taught with limited enrollment as 8
weekly lessons and at a cost of hundreds of
dollars. Now, for a limited time, you can have
my complete course on how to paint portraits
for the Special Sale price of just $7.00
(that's over 90% off)!
To access my portrait painting
is really a master portrait artist, and he
explains how to do it so even I can understand. I
recommend his course to everyone I know." - Robert
J., New York
Copyright 2020